England: Oxford and Bibury

For our last day in the countryside, we drove from the Bath house to Oxford.  Since we were ~1.5 hours away we wanted to do a day trip to Oxford. Cambridge was on the east side of London so we will have to save that tour for another trip.

Wes and I with Zach

 Oxford was an exciting place of history due to the University of Oxford, oldest English speaking university, comprised of 39 colleges. My uncles sister went there and has her picture up in Lincoln college for her achievements in high risk pregnancies so we were able to go in and see.  We also connected with our friend, Jackie, brother, Zach Wagoner. 

Innes pointing to his sister, Lucy, photo in Lincoln College

We toured Christ Church College (kids enjoyed that some of Harry Potter was filmed here and Levi appreciated another audio tour),  Levi acquired his bowler hat he proceed to wear the remainder of the trip, and 

The workers at this cafe asked Papa to say his order 3 times because of his southern accent. 
I think Leighton might have been inspired to apply to Oxford. She had mom amazon her these books! 

We also enjoyed punting for a relaxing break from walking. Our favorite tour there though was the Bodleian Library (the main research library of the University of Oxford, and is one of the oldest libraries in Europe). We had a guided tour of Duke Humfrey's Library which is the oldest reading room at Oxford. 
It was also neat to see the Eagle and the Child where C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien used to meet with other members of the Inklings. 

Duke Humphrey's Reading Room
you had to be 11 or older to our the reading room so Papa stayed back with Levi and Sadie (who's highlight was sharing a snickers bar) 


On our drive from Oxford back to house in Bath, we stopped for a quick stroll around picturesque Bibury. 
Levi in Bibury
Last dinner in Bath Airbnb were yummy meat pies! 


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