May Flowers Did Come

 Per usual, thanks to the old owners for planting flowers that come back each year. We (and Sawyer) have killed some in the back but the front is mostly staying strong. 

Muffins with mom in Levi's class! 
Leighton and friends (Lydia and Joslyn) 

Levi and his friend, Adam
celebrating Mr. Whiteman (Wes' boss and the kids' headmaster at WVA retirement) 
With my friends too, Devon and Emily 

Sadie and Leighton and I supported our friend's daughter, Marcella Missi's dance recital. She is 4 years old and the girls dote on her at church 

Backyard playing since its warmer out! 

neighbor Theo and Levi
neighbor Harper and soccer teammate with Sadie
While they play, Leighton and I read Harry Potter (I am mostly doing it on audio book as the reader is great!) in prep for London trip

We watched the King's coronation since it is a historical event and to prep for our upcoming trip! 

And still trying to find time to bike around the neighborhood, especially to Rocky River Park for rock throwing! 

On Derby Day, Leighton helped me make pies for neighbors and friends! 

One that we took to Devon's ping pong party! 
In May, Levi had a follow up overnight EEG. He came to work with me the day he got it put on. I enjoyed having him in my cubicle. We made him a Cleveland Clinic badge and of course spoiled with food and the gift shop. 
And pictures around the house and out to Mitchells. We also supported our friends kids (Kohl twins) baseball game. 
All three kids had to come back with Wes to Levi's doctor appointment to follow up with Dr. Moosa on EEG results. The result showed his spike activity was about the same. That wasn't the news we were hoping for as we are still praying that he outgrows his epilepsy. The doctor said no change in his medications (on keppra still) and no steroid burst at this time as we do not note any deficits from the spikes (which is good). The kids have fun exploring my tiny cubicle. 
Other pics from the end of May...

Leighton, Lydia and Maddie 

Mother's day 

Mother's Day card from Sadie

I do appreciate how all 3 kids enjoy gift giving 

Levi's mothers day card 

Leighton has planted some herbs and kale that she is diligently caring for 

and our window boxes did get a flower boost 

after church dinner at Culvers to celebrate Kohl twins birthday 
Wes, Matt, and Logan went to a conference for church

They love shopping and independently checking out

Sadie being embarrassed as I danced, the music was up and the windows were down
still laying down with them many nights (they like it when I play my book on tape loud for all to hear) 

still cuddling 

being a tween
Mimi and Big came up to visit and we celebrate Big and Leighton's birthdays with good food and a Cardinals vs Guardians game. 

Levi, Huck and Theo (neighbor boys) 

The girls got autographs at the cardinals game and Levi got a ball handed to him from Adam Wainwright, a pitcher. 


For memorial day we spent the whole day from breakfast to dinner at our friends, the Kohls, just playing yard games and hanging out with them, Heberle, and Guertins. 
Levi had his friend Levi Kuzmal stop by for a bit

Lydia and Mariah Murtha (Leighton's friends) walked over for a bit too


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