Tennessee Wedding Fun

We traveled south to Clarksville this past weekend to celebrate the marriage of Mallory Wallace (Wes' cousin's daughter) and Jackson  Manning. Wes was asked to officiate the wedding so we needed to be there for the rehearsal as well. As luck would have it we had the rehearsal time wrong and missed it and showed up just for the dinner. I felt bad but the actually wedding went off smoothly and Wes did a great job keeping it personal, sweet, and short while still sharing the gospel message. 
Though the traveling was long... 8 hours one way is not fun (especially when the kids aggrevate each other or speak harshly).... we had so much fun with family. We actually broke up the drive down by stopping in Louisville to spend the night at Michael and Katie's. It was good to catch up with them and hear what is going on in their lives as well as share too. And even if for a minute before school the next day, I enjoyed hugs from all three nephews. 

The kids had a great time with cousins at Mimi and Big's house and at the wedding. They put in a great show, the weather was nice, and Levi actually enjoys kids younger than him so he was "big brother" like to the twins. 

Sometimes Leighton needs a break and alone time. I found her on the porch talking on her apple watch to a friend. 

Sadie and Amelia (flower girl) were the only ones to attend the rehearsal dinner. They are the most extroverted and enjoyed talking with the bride and LOVED that there was karaoke. I couldn't keep Sadie off the "stage". She did three songs! 

 Sweet Leighton below picked a flower to provide Wes with a boutonniere.





The wedding day also fun! We had to be there early so the kids did get a little restless waiting but the ceremony was beautiful, venue decorated and perfect setting, rain held off, food was yummy, dancing was fun, and conversations were good with immediate and extended family. We enjoyed catching up with others lives, seeing how people have changed, and mostly having some great gospel centered conversations about how we are all disqualified/fragile but God sees, cares, and sustains His Kingdom. 

Its always touch and go, which kids want to participate in photos :)  

Officiant duties... Wes brought Mema's pen that he found at her house after she died and let them use it to sign their marriage certificate. So sweet and thoughtful Wes!


The kids were looking cute. Levi in his little jacket was almost too much cuteness to handle. He avoided or didn't smile in most pictures but I tried to capture him when I could. 


Levi did find it fun when the girls wanted to kiss him and he was marked with lipstick! 

The kids had each other and enjoyed the dessert bar, smores table, and hot chocolate that were accessible and at their disposals! And Levi brought his cards! 
Lastly, the band was great and it was fun to dance with Wes' family and especially the kids. The girls enjoyed being on the dance floor and dancing with Wes. My favorite was that at first Levi said he didnt want to dance then I couldnt stop him from pulling me out to the dance floor. I especially liked our slow dances. Macy (bride's sister) was also so sweet with kids and engaging them!

Congrats to the bride and groom! 
About an hour from home we had to stop at Dairy Queen. Everyone needed out of the car and a treat. 


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