
Some things I am thankful for as November comes to a close...

The kids diligences in homework. We sometimes have to remind them but thankful they are willing and committed to doing it each day.  

The ability to buy a warm coat to prep for Cleveland winters. I do appreciate the sun shining even if it is cold. I was walking to the gym at work which I just discovered that is free for employees and I am thankful too! 

And the coat comes in handy when Levi wants to do batting practice in the backyard. 
The kids and their friends. Levi and his sweet friend Auri Missi who attends church and is in his class at school too. Leighton and Lydia Murtha are very close. Leighton is at the age where they want to go over each other's house and just talk for hours. Sadie doesnt have a single best friend but seems to friends with the girls in her class. Below is her friend Lucy Fenton. 
Coffee and cooking dates with Levi. He still is eager to go with me to get coffee on the weekends or help me cook/back in the kitchen. 

One particular morning we were talking about his brain bleed and he saw the lion in a picture from his hospital stay. He found it in the attic and we recreated the picture. He carried it around for the rest of the day sweetly. 
Bay Village was having a Christmas event. Of course, Sadie was the one up for going. She enjoys events and made us some beautiful ornaments. 

Sawyer is not allowed in bedroom/bath area or  upstairs to bonus room. Occasionally when we forget to pull the pocket door shut to keep him out, he will sneak to the bottom of stairs. He desires so badly for claim this spot. 
Levi LOVED his Upward basketball assessment. The have the kids do drills and shoot to help assess skills and assign teams for age groups. He is very excited to start his season in January.  I enjoyed watching him. 
 I am thankful the kids love going to the library and are always up for a trip. Spot Sadie below returning books. 
Levi can aggravate Sadie and she can snap back quickly, so I am thankful for moments like before when they are being sweet to one another. 
I was thankful this month for a few warmer days and living close to the lake to be able to walk down. We walked with a few neighbors (Blakes and Ansevins) to the beach at night with flashlights. The kids enjoyed! 


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