School Fall Fun

Sweet Leighton is growing up on us! She wants her hair cut a certain way. She has opinions about clothes. She doesnt want us hanging around sometimes when friends are present. I know I am a broken record with this reality but she went off to 6th grade camp this week. How is she old enough to go off to overnight camp alone. I have no concerns about her or the people she is with, but it is just weird and surreal sometimes. She was so so excited she didnt even say bye when Wes dropped her and her friends off. Her teachers have posted some photos (below) and I have be able to communicate with her some via her watch. She is so precious. 

But she still likes coming to coffee shops. She did her typing class with me and read last Saturday. 
After Wes dropped them off, him and Matt took the opportunity to ride four-wheelers with their friend, Marc, who runs the camp. 
And when the cats away, the mice will play. Dont tell Leighton but Sadie took over sleeping on the top bunk. They both have been spoiled but I am not sure it is any different than their normal days...
Levi's class took a field trip to a pumpkin patch. He had a good time and told us all about the corn pit, cider, pumpkin patch, and hay ride.
Levi (and I) turned his pumpkin patch pumpkin into a Hulk for his class project.. 
While it is still warm enough to get out and walk I try to each day at work. The current tree views are nice. 
And the annual WCA field day and fundraiser, Rock the Challange, that Wes leads was a success! 
Mimi and Big were visiting and enjoyed watching the kids participate in Rock the challenge, Leighton's final cross country meet, and a soccer victory for Sadie. 
The adults and upper school students had a Homecoming after Rock the Challenge which was a lot of fun! 
Levi is not currently playing a sport, but spending his free time doing baseball drills, laying on Sawyer and being cute!  
I thought this "talk to the hand" on Leighton's hand needed to be remembered by our current 6th grader.


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