People Need People


I can not get over how beautiful the fall colors and weather have been this last week. We traveled to Louisville for the Harbor Network Leaders Summit which was a great time. The kids skipped school and stayed at Michael's. Grami and Papa drove up to babysit. We appreciated their hospitality and I was moved/convicted/encouraged by how Michael and Katie open their homes and lives to other families. They are displaying the hard, sacrificial work of the gospel. They are modeling cross cultural reconciliation. They take on others suffering and allow others to see theirs which makes God's people regardless of social economic/education/race status on a level paying field thus bringing unity. Its really hard, time consuming, and costly but so beautiful. 

 Before Wes and I went to worship, be taught, and spend time with old and new friends at the conference downtown Louisville, Pami spoiled the girls and I :) 

Our church, Local Church, leadership team came (The Thrashers, The Heberles, The Guertins and us). Below in picture is also Robert and Karen Cheong who founded Gospel Care Ministries


During free time, The Heberles and us went to Barn8 outside of Lousivlle for dinner. It is so pretty and yummy! 



Car ride home...
We came back to Cleveland to Sawyer and continued beautiful fall weather! 
It was so pretty we had to take a walk at the Rocky River Reserve. 

We also followed the lead of one of our other neighbors, The Stuycks, and had some neighbors/church friends over Sunday morning for donuts, coffee and fire. It is a great time to hang out since we have church on Sunday evenings and people with small kids can hang out while their kids run around! We were happy to see most of our surrounding neighbors come too. 
Saturday was also beautiful weather and Quarry Hill was having their apple festival so we drove to their farm for some fall fun. 

Wes decided we were saving money this year and pretending to pick but then buying a sack of apples. The kids were on board because we bought yummy goodies and Quarry Hills gives out samples and free cider. Here are some of their out-take shots! 

Our church is starting their next small group study time through Side by Side by Ed Welch. I had read it before but such a good reminder that we are all human and broken. We need each other and people need us. God gave Adam companionship with Eve and His design was good that we are not alone. If we follow Christ, we all have the Spirit in us. We have God in us! It is hard to be dependent. We naturally want to be independent, not ask for help, not show weakness, etc but that is not the way. That is not humility but rather pride. It is also not sustainable nor fruitful. If we are needy and needed by others then we will get to see His glory and be apart of God at work. 


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