Packing in Summer Fun

When fall rolls around I think it is a breathier because during the summer we go, go, go. It is fun and busy and I will never complain about nice, warm weather but I will appreciate not having that pull to be doing fun things outside (a little) in Sept. 
The kids set up outdoor lunch tea party and Levi and Sadie have found a new love of root beer and coke floats. Sawyer turned 2 and got a pool to keep himself cool but will only drink out of it. He is still never been in water and is scared of it. 
Levi on the other hand enjoys running around in swim trucks and splashing in the pool. The kids are counting down the days until the Rocky River community pool opens. 
Thanks to Mom's gala winnings we enjoyed a family night out to mini golf. It was actually the kids first time playing. Sadie got frustrated she wasnt good or the best initially. Leighton said it was fun and Levi got a hole in one on first hole!
The parents are now in the stage of friend time too and we enjoy when they come over post bedtime for fire hang outs
Then we got a surprise that some old Seattle friends were going to be in the area for the day. Brandon and his son Jonah Morgado had been to Cedar Point and we were able to show them around Cleveland for a little bit. They now live in Birmingham AL. 
I guess we do relax in summer too... in the hammocks!
Saturday morning hike... I am always surprised when we visit somewhere in Ohio with waterfalls. It seems to flat for it. We went with our friends, the Missi's. They have three younger daughters. One is Levi's age, Ari, and they play well. Leighton and Sadie cater to the one- and three- year olds. 
Sadie finished her soccer season scoring a goal at the last two games. We were overly excited for her since the team only won one game all season. Levi hid from the cold either under the chair covering or in my shirt, haha. 

We will celebrate anything with ice cream including last games and scores! Her team had a pizza party too. 

Levi's first baseball game got rained out. he was already dressed and so excited to go we were happy when a neighbor invited him and some other kids over for a whiffle ball game in the yard. 

And it is fun to see the boys of all ages hang out in the back yard and play well from age 3 to 12! 
Great start to summer in June! 


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