October Part 2 and Halloween from Star War

Too many pictures of the dog these days? Sawyer is growing on us (me). Leighton and Levi give him plenty of love and attention. Sadie's is scarce. I like having him around inside on the days I work from home. Wes still takes in on most walks and cares for him. 
Elmwood park is our destination most of the time.
or the backyard 
Happy birthday to Wes! He joined me at #35. He received many hand made gifts from kids, snuggles from Sawyer, a wax seal kit, coffee filters and a few other items!
Happy halloween. The crew wanted to dress up as Star Wars characters. Leighton went as Ray, Sadie as Leia, Levi as Darth Vader and Sawyer as an ewok. I have to admit I no nothing about Star Wars except what they tell me. Wes watched the movies with them. But they had fun with the light sabers and the candy was too generous from neighbors this year. 

I think they enjoyed  counting/organizing and giving out candy as much as going from house to house! 

Just to show we are still in a pandemic state with mandated mask indoors.... 
Thankful for sunshine and walks! 

Levi had a dermatology appoint for a growth under his arm. They were not very concerned so thankful for that as well. 

Sadie in class acting out stories 
Our dear and maybe even first friends in Cleveland moved this month to Boston. We were said to the Veal family leave! We love them. 

Leighton and I just spend our days doing face mask (these looked like the Wicked Witch, so fitting for Halloween time) 

We enjoyed the changing color of leaves, a little cooler weather (not very excited about this really) and some fall favorite activities. I love fall but sometimes knowing winter is next makes it hard to enjoy. 
Morning at rocky river reserve. 

Play date at Lakewood park with Hughes

work views 

Levi's class on dress "red" day! 



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