30A , Florida Beach Vaca

Levi outside the house 
{WARNING: Picture Overload} We made it to beach! Mom and Dad and Michael's family met us in Seacrest, FL to rent a house for the week. It was a sweet time of wave crashing, pool relaxing, slow days, naps, and eating seafood! 
It was the kids first time at  warm water beach with white sand! The had been up and down the Pacific Coast beaches from dark sand and cold water up north to San Diego where the sand was whiter but the water was still chilly. I forgot how much I had missed the gulf coast! It brought back memories of high school trips with friends and Wes and I last time there in 2010. 
We all including myself love playing in the waves! Levi loved just jumping into the waves with an adult holding him so he didn't get knocked down. And Sadie loved riding out on a raft to experience the salt water waves! They all loved playing in the sand. We usually just went to the beach for a couple hours in the morning and maybe again after dinner. It was hot enough you either had to be in the water or in the shade. The worst part is having to reapply sunscreen to sandy kids so 0800-1030 was long enough with kids. 
Of course Grami got matching swim suits

And they all liked riding in the boat including the adults...
Thankful the house came with a  ride that could fit us all for the week to cruise from the house across the street to the beach. 
We continued to celebrate Leighton turning 8 :) More Cake! 
I loved watching the girls get into their own worlds as they get older... such as Sadie journalling and Leighton reading as we wait for dinner at restaurant.
Levi and Parker's friendship was cute and developing as they are just 6 months apart. Since he doesn't have a brother, he really enjoys time with the boys I think. 
Waiting for dinner we also used the fence cover a dumpster as a photo backdrop :) the lighting was good...delicious dinner in the Seaside's cute area, The Great Southern
And the original four...
The pool was outside the house and shared by the community of homes. Very nice to have for kids to afternoon swim. Just swimming daily for a week really increased the girls confidence and ability.
Most nights included ice cream 
Morning beach time...
Levi and Parker again. So sweet of them hanging out! 
Dinnertime they were cheers-ing their drinks! 
Nightly beach walks and flying kites.
Morning beach time with my loves
And afternoon pool time with conversations with Katie! 
while the rest of the group napped or rested or toured around 30A
Family vacation wouldn't be complete without family beach photos :)
Then the grandparents babysat and let Wes and I go out to dinner with just Katie and Michael which was a nice treat! We went to Rosemary Beach (also on 30A) and it was so cute as well!

The next day/last day, we took the kids there and grabbed lunch before heading back on the road north. 
Thanks Florida! 


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