Sadie the Kindergarten Graduate

This past week Sadie's class celebrated the completion of kindergarten at their weekly chapel. The recited the verses they have learned A-Z. I pray that these are kept in her hearts for years to come. They also preformed a creation play. Sadie was a narrator who loudly proclaimed at her timing "AND GOD SAID ...."in the microphone. She loved it!
Below is Sadie's teacher on the left, Mrs Rorick, and the other kindergarten teacher, Mrs Thompson. 
Each of the kids get a character award from their teacher. I old Mrs. Rorick that she nailed it for Sadie! Determination has been a quality of Sadie's since she would cry persistently when placed in a car seat until I picked her up. Her teacher associated the verse "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race and I have kept the faith." I pray she uses her gift of determination for the Lord! 
Sadie and I also had the opportunity to go to a wedding shower last weekend where we made flower crowns. Leighton was going to join but was sick (later to find out she had pneumonia). 

Until fall 2019 WCA, bye drop off!


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