Spring Please!

It is March but here are some pictures from Feb. We are ready for warmer weather and sunshine in the Moore house. Today I found a pretty purple flower and our courtyard tree started blooming so I know it is close! 
Levi does turn 2 this month! How is that possible?!? He enjoys puzzles, books (even "reading"/reciting words with his flashlight at night like the girls), throwing and catching balls, being silly and cuddles! 
Levi loves to swing and when he is tired he puts his hands behind his head. love. 
He also loves his "sissys" and when the draw/write with him
He can been seen grabbing a book to take with him and calling it his "bible" and enjoys others kids at church 
 Doing things with the girls without Levi is also necessary. They enjoy playing/running, pedicures, coffee shop, Sleeping Queen card game, battleship board game, being read to or reading to us, and tea parties. 
But even the girls need time apart and one -on-one time with each parent. 
Sadie is still very much a Mommy's girl and clings to me when I am home. It does make it hard to spend time with L unless we leave the house. She slips in the bed with me at night time whenever she can get the chance. We joke we are "friends forever" as she says. She is still a long-sleeve dress and tights kind of girl so we are all surprised when she picks out jeans and a shirt to wear. 
Sadie knows what she wants and believes she is capable of all. She has an answer for most questions or a witty response. Her feelings can get hurt if Levi or Leighton push her away. She likes to be with people and close to people instead of playing alone. Sweet sweet Sadie. Your real smile and laugh light up the room. 
 Leighton is almost finished with first grade and will turn 7 in May! Leighton and I's relationship has been the most concerning for me of the three. It is easier to know what/how to provide for Levi and Sadie as I have had a 1 and 4 year old before. But parenting Leighton is always a first time for me as she leads the way. She is still sweet, thoughtful and calculated but also comes in tired from school and needs rest, space, and can become irritated/annoyed easier than before. I don't know if it is the age, being away from home in all day school now or us not being able to give her individual time. And the designated time we do need to do alone with her is always homework or her reading to us for school which may not be what she wants to do at time or isn't carefree play. We intentionally try to pursue her but with the other two I do feel it challenging.
 She does well in her studies, her reading drastically improved this year and she enjoys school. Please continue to pray for heart to love God, wisdom for Wes and I to know how to parent aging kids, and sweet times with all three. 
 Thanks for the PJs mom, can't wait to see what matching theme will be next! 


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