Great Wolf Lodge

The kids were out of school for mid-winter break last week. My parents came out to visit so the beginning of the week we decided to go to Great Wolf Lodge south of the city for 2 nights. Going forward I would say one night is enough there. You can swim after checking in at 1pm that night then stay the night and swim next day and leave. I will remember that next time. But the kids had a great time. They loved and were so tired at the end of the day and for naps. The girls favorite part was the wave pool. I would say Wes and I had fun too in the wave pool. Sadie was the only kid to go down the tube slides. I enjoyed spending that time with her. Because you are in one big indoor water park, you don't want to have anything to carry or leave in a certain spot because you can't watch it or it would get wet. I think it was good because I never took my camera or phone in. So it was uninterrupted time playing. The pictures I do have are from mom's phone when she was watching!

Levi was nervous around the characters. The lodge was big and it kind of reminded me of being in Gatlinburg TN
Levi would go out only if attached to my neck in the pools. 
 So helpful having 4 adults to 3 kids. 
 The undisputed King


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