How is Levi 9 months old!?

Wow. I can't believe the little boy is 9 months old today. He has perfected his crawling to a traditional crawl versus a scoot when he is on carpet. Hard wood floors still require a scoot to preserve his knees. Levi attended his first birthday party for our friend, Owen. And Wes likes to dress them alike as you can see below...
Our neighbors gave Levi his first football trading cards. He chewed them instead of trading. He has begun to pull up to his knees but likes it when we prop him up to stand. 
Others love to cuddle him (see Jack above) and Levi likes to cuddle Mom and give Mom drool filled kisses. 
Levi is easy going most of the time. He lets the girls even use him as a reindeer to pull them. 
I am only gone 8 hours most days to work but I still need to FaceTime some because I miss his sweet face. SO thankful for this little guy! 


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