Celebrations in Suncadia

 This weekend I had the privilege of celebrating a sweet friend, Alice, on her birthday. One of Alice's good friends decided to throw her a surprise birthday weekend in Suncadia. It was such a treat for me as well. We were able to make Alice hopefully feel special and loved AND I think all the other moms enjoyed the relaxing time away too. We rarely, if ever, have had a girls weekend so it was nice to have uninterrupted time to hang out, talk, play board games, try snow shoeing, eat, read and I slipped in a UK basketball game/win!
view from resort
first time making my own latte with an espresso machine. I told Wes this would be a good gift for me so we could save money at coffee shops. He looked up this particular machine and told me NO as it was expensive
not sure if I snow shoed right but it was fun being in the beautiful wintery wonderland 
we not only got to get away to a beautiful place with friends but it was free! a couple at our church own this cabin in Suncadia and graciously allowed us to stay there for the weekend 

 If you prayed for my time there, thank you. It was my first time going overnight away from Wes and the kids in a long time and first time being out of the city away from Levi since he was born. After I started experiencing anxiety when Sadie was a baby and had my first panic attack, traveling since became a fear/association with panic attacks and vulnerability to anxiety. As we drove away from Seattle Friday afternoon into the mountains, I did have some time where I was regretting my decision to go and became emotional. But after friends prayed in the car, I prayed for rescue, rest, and repentance for unbelief, I began to relax when we arrived. The rest of the time was not just tolerable but enjoyable! Thankful I went, thankful for God's faithfulness, and for friends!


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