The Moore/Austin Visit

Mimi and Big along with Katie, Marc, and Amelia came out to visit! We appreciate them spending time to come see us and meet Levi. With 4 kids under 5 and naps we had to take the visit at medium /slow speed. It is just the normal for this season in life. We managed to get out of the house some though....

Some friends from church live on lake Washington so they let us play/relax in their backyard one day...
The Ballard Locks and watching the salmon run...
Aquarium and Zoo trips...
Plenty of neighborhood walks...
and lunch with a view at Ivars and Chinooks 
A hike at Discovery Park...
free spirit peed while enjoying the view and playing in the sand and water
and Ms Neat and Clean had to get picked up over the water

and plenty of time around the house...
And on the last night they ended their trip supporting their favorite baseball team, St Louis Cardinals, play against the hometown Seattle Mariners. I stayed home with my kids so Wes could actually sit and enjoy a game but we did dress up for the family photo :) 
Thanks for coming to visit! Great time! 


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