Explore WA: Vashon Island

Early this summer the Moll family had invited us to Whidbey Island for the weekend (HERE). We had a great time with them so our two families decided to plan another weekend away. Since neither of us had been to Vashon Island we went there.
the farmhouse we rented
Vashon Island is a short ferry ride from West Seattle. About 10,000 people live on the entire island, which is about the same number that in our neighborhood, Fremont. Before we went people described it as a place for local farm stands selling strawberries, eggs, tomatoes and hippies who didn't vaccinate their kids and pot was easily accessible. (The vaccination rate is 4x less on the island than the rest of the state). I think this guy who lives there describes it well "Vashon is your average small town, with three banks, a hardware store, a post office, a theater, a bookstore and a couple of supermarkets. From another perspective, it is an enclave of hippies, with a gluten-free/vegan cafe, a fair-trade gift store selling items like woven root place mats and hand-thrown pottery, a yoga studio, a Saturday farmers’ market and a half-dozen art galleries showing everything from wildlife photographs to works consisting entirely of words. It’s home to over a dozen small family farms — the kind that in most places were swallowed up by big agribusiness decades ago — selling their kale and beets and free-range eggs through unmanned farm stands that accept payment on the honor system. "
It was nice to experience a different side of the state. We rented a nice farm house with the Moll family. We coordinated meals and actually ate in the entire weekend instead of trying the island's famous, The Hardware Store restaurant. We did manage to get ice cream at local creamery. I did ask them if they pasteurized their milk and they said yes. Being pregnant I had to ask since they advertised "raw milk sold here" on the door. The Vashon Island Coffee Roasterie was neat too. It is in a 100+ year old building and used to be one of the earliest locations of Seattle's Best Coffee. Seattle's Best Coffee used to employee a lot of islanders till they sold out to Starbucks. Now I think most non-farmers or shop owners commute to Tacoma or Seattle for work via ferry (there are no bridges leaving the island).
dining in was yummy, less expensive, and less stressful especially if each family is responsible for one dinner , lunch and breakfast 

The girls enjoyed playing in what was a huge space to them. Since both of our families live in ~800 sq ft, staying in a 4 bedroom house seems large to them, well in fact all of us. We played games, read, talked and explored the grounds most of the weekend. Oh and ate a lot! Pictures around the house below….
Sadie, Leighton, Norah and Vivienne (who wasn't having the picture) 
fish pond 
movie night 
The Moll Family 
Leighton and I getting our study on in this nook 
Leighton said we should move here to have space for #3. 
Sadie found the front door so fascinating because it was yellow and had a key pad. 
Till next time Vashon! 


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