Things We Love: 3 Year Old Edition

If you skim through the pictures it's going to look like the 3 year Edition is going to be all about dress up, but she dresses up for all daily activities. So yes (1) thing that has proven to be fun for Leighton as a three-year old is dress up
(2) Dry Erase Boards/Markers- great way to practice writing and drawing that is not wasteful
(3) Free Local Kid Events- just walking through Queen Anne the other day, one of the preschools was having a fall festival complete with a kid band. It was free and provided new entertainment for about 45 minutes during our stroll which was great. There is stuff like this always going on in Queen Anne, Ballard, Wallingford, etc and I should take advantage of it more. 
 (4) Responsibility and Chores- no her chore is not to really clean the roof but putting her dishes away in the dishwasher, helping load laundry, putting away clean clothes, picking up toys, vacuuming, etc are things she can do and actually enjoys because she gets the BIG GIRL status!
(5) Activity Books - ones that teach things like cutting, painting, writing, etc
 (6) Games- dominoes, and other kid games like this one that Mom found on recycling (I think Wes and I could have used it when we moved to Seattle 3 years ago)
(7) Cooking - though it may require more patience and make a little more mess (to be honest Im more messy than Leighton), letting her help bake is fun and she really enjoys it
Making Dad's birthday cake! 
(8) Opinions - at this time I like her opinions, not sure if I will when she is 13- Literally she wants us to match all the time. She even lays out my clothes for me. No joke.
(9) Big 3 year old Sister loving and cuddling on little sister


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