Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! I love the holidays and all that they encompass. I enjoy the traditions, family, friends, get-to-gethers, food, decorations, etc. We did not  travel to KY/TN for Christmas this year. It was the first time neither Wes nor I have not been at "home" sometime over the Christmas/New Year holidays in our lives. It is sad but trying to look at the positive... my parents came the week before Christmas to visit and Wes' mom and Katie and Marc were here after Christmas! 

My mom always does a great job decorating her house for Christmas. I find comfort, familiarity, and a sense of home when I am at Mom and Dad's house over the holidays. Since I was little, my job was always helping decorate the tree. I enjoy getting out the familiar ornaments that usually represent a stage of life either Mom, Dad, Michael and I were in or a place we have visited. This year I did not get to enjoy Mom and Dad's live tree, but Wes and I did put up ours and it is quickly beginning to accumulate meaningful ornaments despite being married for only 3 years. 
Before the visitors arrived, we went to Swanson's nursery with some friends to see their live camel, mini-donkey, and reindeer! 
 And below are some holiday pictures of Leighton we took  at the house to use for Christmas card!  
 She really enjoyed playing with the lights. The outfit she is wearing below was my first Christmas pajama set. I was 4 months old for my first Christmas but quite a bit more chunky than Leighton so the pj's fit her well! 
Then the visitors started to arrive! Mom and Dad came the week before Christmas as I said. I had to work that week but Wes and Leighton were able to show them around the city a little bit. Just between you and I, I believe they were just as happy playing with Leighton in her room than sight seeing at the Space Needle and Discovery Park!  
 The grandparents brought gifts! They were too generous. Leighton enjoyed unwrapping the presents and trying to eat the wrapping paper. 
 Then Grami and Papa left and the three of us had Christmas morning together. 
 All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth! Well Leighton got her wish. One and a half teeth have made their debut. She is constantly feeling them with her tongue and we caught her looking at them in the mirror in Mommy's jewelry box. 
 Aunt Katie and Uncle Marc came over from Spokane on Christmas Day! 
 We skyped Mimi and Big Daddy on Christmas morning. 
 Uncle Marc stole some sugar. She was mesmerized by Marc's deep voice. 
We ate a brunch at our house, played cards, took a walk to Gas Works park, went to a coffee shop, had Thai food for dinner, and attended a mini worship service with friends from Hallows Church. It was quite a bit different than my past Christmas Days.....crazy how things change in one year but thankful to have great company!!! 
 Mimi arrived the day after Christmas! We went to Pike's Place and hung around the house mostly as it rained the entire time she was here : ( 

Also, I would like to share that Leighton has finally mastered the hand reach! I have looked forward to this day since I became pregnant. Since I have cared for Leighton for 6- 7 months (sleepless nights, thousands of diaper changes, daily feedings, etc), it thrills me to receive some love back from her now.  Wes caught her turning in/reaching : ) 
Well I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and that you will have a great 2012! I am thankful this year for wonderful parents and siblings, friends, the Hallows Church, Leighton, Wes, and mostly that I am a child of God (1 John 3:1). I think it is awesome how throughout the old testament God foreshadows Christ's birth, death and resurrection. And in the new testament (the gospels) we are able to enjoy Christmas.... the story of His birth.
 But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God. Galatians 4: 4-7


  1. I love this. It makes me happy...and sad to see yall and not be out there. We are praying for you all!! Precious pics, I can't believe how big she is!!!

  2. Anonymous12/30/2011

    For some reason I cry every time I read your blog. Everyone here misses you all. Leighton is getting so big and she truly is adorable. I know she is the light of your life. Love you and Happy New Year!! Cammie

  3. Thanks guys! And Cammie I hope those are happy tears :) we miss yall too!


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