Glimpse into the Church

So one of my good friends here in Seattle just finished her master's program in sociology. Her final project was to make a video about how a community views the local church. She did it in Fremont and interviewed people from our church, The Hallows,  and non-believers from the community. I think it is interesting and enjoyed hearing people's response to how they view the church as a whole, not specially Hallows. I cried when Carol from BF Day Elementary school spoke. I also was intrigued when I heard how people view the church and why they think the church harms or doesn't harm a community. It definitely made me think about questions like… the church isn't a building, but that is how it is perceived? (we do not have a building in Fremont but rent space from Fremont Baptist Church which is the church many people referred to because they have a prominent building in the community that many organizations use) Also how can we better engaged our community after hearing the views, misconceptions, thoughts, etc on the church body? Serving, loving people, meeting needs, and providing community were the responses to what is positive about a church. It gives perspective and again relays God's foundational command to love others, not to do it out of guilt, or obligation, or because it makes you feel good (see 1 John 3). But caring for people and pursuing them with our changed heart that overflows with word and deed while praising God, giving Him the glory, and telling them that we do it because of what Christ did for us.

Check out her video HERE (ignore the part where I sit awkwardly beside Wes during an interview)


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