Summer Sports and Jobs

This summer tried to stay somewhat active.  A guy at our church organized weekly Pickleball games. Wes and I played for the first time and enjoyed it (though there are mix emotions about the tennis courts becoming pickleball courts. Sadie continue her soccer foot skills class. Leighton started tennis lessons and then Sadie joined in on that too. Leighton and Sadie also did drop in running with WCA in the mornings. Levi finished up baseball season and just enjoyed playing pickleball or tennis with the family. Per usual in the summer we all enjoy bike riding! 
Besides lemonade stands, the kids (aka mostly Wes) have dog sat. The girls also were mother's helpers for two little girls in the neighborhood. They enjoyed that they could bike over to their house alone. Glimpses of freedom. 

This one, Lacey, our friends dog, ran away from our house within 5 min of being there. She bolted out of the front door when we went out and ran through Rocky River like a tiny gray cat. She ended up many buys streets away as we followed her in our cars. A nice guy (dog whisper) saw what was happening and was able to get his leash around her and brought home safety... 

This one, Sophie, only wanted Leighton and when she wasnt around anxiously ran from room to room looking for her

One day I think Leighton was overly tired from sports and working and said "I feel like an overworked piece of dough" as she plopped down face first on my bed. 



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