February Blues

I was thankful to be able to get some sunshine in AZ at the beginning of the month. The rest of the month of Feb can feel like a drag because in Cleveland the weather is often subpar (even where we were in Seattle), temperatures are low (sometimes < 10 degrees and windy), and it stills snows. I am ready for spring as soon as Jan ends which I know is unrealistic. But I am thankful for a few random days off with the kids this month such as Presidents day (we went to the zoo as it was sunny and 60F) and that was a blessing because they are calling for snow in the next few days. 

The kids are enjoying their extracurricular activities. I like  watching them play or perform. It can make some days after work busy but so far management and enjoyable. It has also helped me connect with other families that they are friends with in the community or school. 

Levi is enjoying trying to write various words, he has real spelling test now! He also will randomly do arts and crafts which is cute. Leighton mostly (and Sadie some) are at the age where they want friends to come over regularly on weekends or they are being asked to go to others house. This is Leighton riding home with me after a play date with her friend Maddie.

 Another friend of Leighton’s, Joslyn, hosted with the moms a cookie decorating party after their last basketball game which was sweet! 

And Wes will capitalize on any opportunity to build a fire. 
On Valentines day the kids got sweet package surprise from their grandparents and then Wes and I gave them a little something, mainly because I like gift-giving. Wes gave me flowers and then had Levi give the girls flowers. We are trying to train them early :) 
Sadie and I started off the our Monday off work/school with a coffee shop visit to read/bible study/school work and later that day took a walk to see a partially frozen lake Erie on Presidents Day. 

We also biked to Mitchells after that which was kind of weird. Sadie was in shorts, eating sorbet with snow on the ground. Sadie is the one child that will hang with me going all day from one activity to the next. We are energized by warm sunny days and being with people! We go until we sit down and then we crash! 
On Presidents day too, the family went to the Zoo along with tons of other people because it was sunny, warm, kids were out of school, and teh Zoo is free on Mondays! Parking was not fun but once we were inside people were spread out. All the kids lead us around using their zoo map and Levi marked off animals he saw which was cute (especially when he kept his pencil and map in his back pocket). 
Levi was interested in lions, per usual, and ostriches because he learned facts about them at school. The girls liked the tigers and giraffes as well as the gift shop, playground and food/drink options.   
The sisters of the 5/6 YO boys basketball team love the hang out opportunity! Although sometimes Sadie brings her weaving to the games to complete. She made a loom like she learned in Art class. She will periodically pause from weaving to yell instructions to Levi during the game. 
Other times she weaves at night if she doesn't feel like reading in bed. Leighton though is always reading at nighttime, with classical music playing and using a heating pad (for warmth).  
Leighton's basketball team had their end of season celebration in the school gym with a pizza party! 
Levi team photos! Besides games on Saturday, he also has practices on Tues. Wes takes Sadie to gymnastic, Leighton goes with one of us, and I take Levi to basketball. I enjoy my dinner dates with either Levi one-on-one or both Leighton and Levi. I know Wes enjoys his dinner dates one-on -one with Sadie after gymnastic too. They seem to discuss their plans to have a father/daughter camping trip. 
Note the land line is still going strong. They really enjoy when people call so feel free to call us anytime! 

Other bright spots in month included Sadie having fun at her Charlotte Web Day at school (which included Wes arm wrestling the class) and library visits. 

Until March....



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