Spring Weather in Cleveland is ?

The weather in Cleveland in Spring can vary by 40 degrees. We had a day of snow this month and also 80 degrees. I prefer the sun and warmth :) 
Easter Sunday - tried to get a picture of the kids and below is them serving the kids table /greeting! 
Wes and his friends (adults :)) playing games! ha.
And his other friend, man's best friend, the dog. 
One of my favorite past times with kids is biking to Mitchell's for ice cream. 
And stopping at the library too. 
And then watching them dive into books :) 
Fun activités at school. Leighton did a castle project! 

Sadie and her 2nd grade friends and then the girls trying to replicate with Levi. 
Adult/kids kickball fun and friends! 
Picnic at Rocky River Reserve and playgrounds.... I will be sad when they outgrow them :) I am always ready for the first but not the last. 
The trees down are street smelt so good. Levi said "it smells like my medicine" which was true. His keppra smells like grape flowers :) 
The girls had plays at school. Leighton was a puppy dog for her 4th grade skits and Sadie was Aaron (Moses' brother). They both did great. Sadie really got into character. And Leighton treated Levi like a puppy for a few days later. 

Our backyard shares with several other homes. One of our neighbors, the Cotters, moved within neighborhood to a different house. We will still see them but sad they will not just be able to walk over and knock on back yard. We grilled out for the neighbors to give them a send off. 
Sawyer growing! 10 months old. 
Leighton's class had to do virtual for a week due to covid cases and I was off a few days so we were ladies who brunch :) She is wonderful company. 
The snow that came made me sad. I love summer! 

Levi and I had a movie date while Wes and girls went to a play gym! 

Documenting typical mornings so I don't forget 
We usually eat out with someone from church afterwards but this Sunday I had the two kids in yellow at Jimmy Johns and Sadie and Wes went to Chipotle around the corner. 

And there is always Mitchells after church it seems....
Sadie has been taking ballet this year
Night of the arts with Sadie and Leighton playing piano. They showed me their art around wall too! 

Also we celebrated April 30 too with Starbucks refreshers. 5 years since Levi's hemorrhagic stroke. 



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