Spring Break in MD and DC


April 2020 we had planned to go to DC/Austins for Spring Break but as we all know covid shut that down. So this year we tried again and it was a success and with the new addition of Sawyer 10 month old puppy in the "new to us" big suburban. It was  good road trip and enjoyable week with family! 

We stayed at Katie and Marc's (Marc is stationed in SC) and Mimi, Big and Mema flew from TN to meet us. As you can see below the girls were doing a show and the guys looked real interested :) 
We took several hikes in a  few woods/parks during the week. 

Always snuggling her puppy
And I guess when the kids get more independent, the parents end up with the Sawyer

Bath time! Levi found it his duty each night to help with the twins bath (and Leighton too) 
Cousin time and sweet quality time with their great grandmother, Mema. 96 years old and awesome. 

All the Smithsonians were closed but the Museum of the Bible was open and we really enjoyed the visit. It walked through bible history from a context standpoint but really about the bible itself, translation, artifacts, preservation over time and more! 

Leighton and I enjoyed looking at the artifacts and pieces of bible translation or other artifacts that validate people and places from the bible that were 100+ years prior to Christ and on loan here from Israel Museum. 
They also had interactive portions for the kids including a scavenger hunt. 

Levi was the only one with his name in the bible! 

Kids enjoyed riding the metro train too! 

We also spent one morning at Chesapeake Bay! 
And on Levi's birthday, Wes and I took just him into DC and we enjoyed the Washington Mall and cherry blossoms. 

Playground time sprinkled in here and there! 

little tired children driving home


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