Home Church for Easter 2020

Easter 2020 is one we will always remember as different. Not gathering together physically for worship with our churches. Not seeing or sharing a meal with friends or family. But it was a nice low key day to reflect together. We have been listening to church worship services for weeks so that didn't change. 
 And getting out this weekend for walks was also key. Thankful for sunshine especially Saturday and we even did some yard work.
The girls and Levi enjoying his new gift. 
He likes driving down to the wooded park and exploring. 
Leighton made us some garden work and the girls built fairy garden. 
Wes even grilled ribs on Saturday while Sadie turned herself into an elephant...
 On Sunday we woke up to a nice surprise from our friends at Local Church, doughnuts and flowers.
And the kids and I attempted empty tomb cookies .... it was a 75% successful
Sadie had the idea to prepare a worship service for us at home. It was super sweet they way they prepared songs, words on "slides", scripture reading, prayer, teaching, bibles, flyers, and even a space afterwards for people needing prayer or people with questions. We had two services, one Sat and one Sunday by the girls. 
 We also dressed up in real clothes for the first time in weeks! We went out for a ride and then our pastor family stopped by and chatted from front porch and took a picture of our family so we could remember this quarantined Easter.
Levi got to wear his tie that matches Wes!
 Our neighbors were giving away bikes yesterday and Sadie snagged a great one she can grow into for FREE!
 But by the evening she had shifted moods and had moved out of her room. Oh me! Always something! But Levi did wake us up on Saturday repeating, "if you open your eyes the darkness goes away" which was profoundly true. Though I wasn't amused at the eyelid prying happening so early, it made me think of how Jesus is the light and John 1:5 saying "the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it"
 Happy Easter! 


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