God's Mercies Amid Coronavirus Quarantine

Since we are in such an unprecedented time in the our world's history, I wanted to document all the ways I am seeing God work on my electronic journal in hopes the kids are able to read this one day. 
1. Ample family time! When have we and when will we get this time again to have so many meals together as family (breakfast, lunch and dinner together almost everyday with all 5 of us!). So much to be learned around the dinner time everyday where everyone is only focused on conversation with each other. 
2. Opportunity to pray together more as a family! Whether it has been lead only by a local church or organization or if it is our family outside around the fire or while eating dinner, we have had so many opportunities to hear the kids hearts and them hear ours and cry out to our Lord. 

3. Ability to grow in repentance with one another as a family. More time together gives more time to sin against one another, especially displaying annoyance or lack of patience. But we are stuck together so a quicker realization of sinning and repentance has been fruitful. 
4. Discipleship by other adults for the kids. Most nights our friends church, Local, has held a prayer time on Facebook Live which we bring the kids into with us.  Our church, City Church, does Zoom Prayer times on Weds.  And last night The Gospel Coalition held a global day of prayer/fast which I enjoyed doing as family and also liked that the kids heard different adults than us praying aloud. 
5. Church communities creating online communities for check-ins and worships. We have been able to worship with more than just once on Sunday morning with God's church because of this, joining in with our old church in Seattle, our church and friend's churches in Cleveland. 
6. Solidarity with neighbors. Everyday in some form or fashion we are out for a walk. Others are out just to have conversation in their front lawns. Quick conversations and check-ins have been so good for our neighbor relations. We prayer this will grow into the summer time and be able to have them over for longer convos! 
7. Others openness to something higher than themselves. I have continued to meet with co-workers for bible study online via Zoom. And tonight I will be starting a little 4 week read/study through Hebrews with some ladies from church on Zoom so prayers for that and all our hearts! 

8. Cleveland maintained their Metroparks being opened. On the weekend we were able to go visit and  hike trails which was a refreshing change of pace.

9. Wes and I having our jobs and being able to to telecommute. I will have to go in to hospital to work in pharmacy with anticipated surge in a week but most days being home.

10. Business still offering to-go services! Supporting the local ones during this time.
11. Care packages! So fun for kids! 
 12. The girls teachers creating online spaces for learning, video teachings, packets of work for homeschool, and Zoom chats with classmates! 

 13. Watching the kids get closer, especially Leighton and Sadie. With only each other as friends to play with it is cute to see them be best friends!

That is what I have form about 3 weeks of stay at home order! 


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