Social Distancing: COVID 19 Pandemic

It is a strange time in the world right now. I (nor anyone I know) have never experienced something like this.. where a tiny, invisible to the eye ,threat halts everything we know from work to school to sports to spring break trips to movies to restaurants to playgrounds and more. I think I bounce between fear/anxiety to everything will be fine. It all depends how much of it is in my face. Driving to the hospital to work last Saturday was weird; on a deserted interstate, temperature checked by police upon entry and Starbucks being closed. Then at home with just the family it is somewhat normal, just house bound. But there is nothing like everything being out of control and global panic to remember we were never in control to begin with. 
The kids keeping themselves busy over the past week and half. 

Sadie using her book-it when we went for a drive to get out of house even though we stayed in car. 
 The fear that creeps in to me, is not necessarily the death, but the ban. I can fear that the places I once ran to for safety are not there anymore and now they are unsafe. Work, school, being around family/friends, church, or coffee shops. Being at home is making me realize how much I try to drown out fears by entertaining, being on the go, being around others, basically distracting myself out of thinking. This is why the quarantine is so scary for me. Fear of being alone/stuck in my own thoughts, silence. I think it is a daily (hourly) thing to go to war against. Replacing lies and asking God to take our thoughts captive. Reflecting on His daily grace. Remembering His mercies are enough for today and never projecting them on what-ifs of tomorrow. I don't know why it is so hard. It is a simple, profound truth. We shelter in place in the God who is always our shelter and our home base. 
Art classes free with Mo Williams 
Wallpapering and painting rooms to pass the time and give us task to do 
Thankful for streaming sermons, zoom chats, nightly pray time with others via facebook live and social media connections. Along with decent enough weather to walk outside. 
The kids even left sweet encouragement on friends/neighbors driveways with sidewalk chalk.
And Wes has decided on a quarantine-stash 
My gym has provided at home workouts for us all to enjoy
 Thankful the Cleveland Clinic sent me home for 2 weeks to work. The girls sweetly set me up office space!
 And our church sent a nice care package for the kids.
I read the other day that "after covid finally normalizes,  we'll still have a greater epidemic to deal with , the death rate will still be 100%" It is remembering this not to be dark but to acknowledge that we have a collective awareness of a threat but the world was just as fragile pre-coronavirus as it will be post. And it is the same thing I told the kids, the world will have the same amount of hope in Christ post-coronavirus as it did before. "It is what makes the most important question surrounding death is not when, but if- if we'll be ready. " 
Praying for us to all grow deeper in our dependence on God and for those who do not know Him to repent and believe. 


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