Thanksgiving in November

November was a mixture of sweet days and some of our worst/saddest days (see blog post, Depend on the Unshakable)  But overall many things to be thankful for. Thankful for sweet Leighton. She is growing up into such a thoughtful, intentional young girl. My old soul who cares for others. She told Devon (our friend with her when Levi was taken to hospital) that she wanted to take Levi's place. Unbelievable Leighton. You surprise me in the best of ways.
Sadie. My sweet spunky Sadie. You do everything at 110% and I love your desire for school that continues to grow. You help your classmates, your teacher, and bring a smile to our faces. In fact you told us recently after Levi said something hurtful to Leighton that we "needed to engage Levi more as telling him that it was unkind and then going back to talking was not okay". You are something else! 
My Levi. My mother-n-law, Candy, told me the other day that having a son was like going through a slow break up over 20+ years.  I can see how this will be true. Right now we are attached at he hip, but he we grow and eventually leave me (as God intended!) but it will be hard on ol' Mom. 
Thankful this month from art work from our church friend, Thomas.
Thankful for some sunny days and new coffee shop adventures and used bookstores.
Thankful for pretty fall days and little rackers.
Thankful for grandparent visits.
Thankful for their sister bond and friendship.
Thankful for Friendsgiving with church community.
Thankful for coworkers who surprise the kids with gift boxes.
Thankful for Wes who is a servant leader, patient, and reliable. For someone to go through life with who understands.
Thankful for girls' school. We are fans of classical christian schools by the way! Especially when they allow little brothers to participate in their thanksgiving feast. Please note Sadie and Levi's arm linking in 4th pic.
Thankful to be a drivable 5 hours from my brother and his family in Louisville so we are able to spend Thanksgiving weekend with them!
Parker wouldn't take a picture with me! 
But Levi and Parker would take pictures togethers! Only 6 months apart and play well together.
After we left Louisville we headed to Lexington to go the Louisville-Kentucky football game. It was the rainiest day ever! Ashley, Ryan and Clay meet us there and were much more prepared. Our kids were not feeling it and we were not prepared so only made it to half time. But afterwards we stopped a UK staple, Tolly Ho.
And that is November in little tiny pictures! 


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