Happy Halloween from Hogswarth and end of Oct

Leighton began reading the Harry Potter series over the last year and it lead to the whole gang getting into Harry Potter. We let them watch some of the movies which was probably poor parenting. I was scared by some it. Nonetheless, Levi wanted to be Hedwig the owl, Leighton was Harry and Sadie was Hermione from the book/movie series. 
Levi's school did a trunk or treat! This is Levi's teacher, Ms. Stamper, who loves him :) 
Baumgardner kids (friends from school who also live 2 streets behind us) 
 Last days of fall... Halloween PJs, biking to Rocky River Park, hot chocolate and/or scores in the back yard
 Also some school pictures from Levi's preschool....
 Oct 30th also marked the day Wes turned 34! Happy birthday to the one who serves us all so much!
He enjoyed a little whirlyball with friends... new sport! 
We also squeezed in some pumpkin carving with the Guertins and Heberles 
 Over the past month, we also had a few unexpected visitors due the Cleveland Clinic. Payton Kuhlenbeck (guy I graduated high school with) was doing an anesthesia rotation so he came over for dinner. Then Kelly (college roommate/bridesmaid) was in town from Hawaii for her dad's surgery the Clinic too. I would rather of seen her under different circumstances but still thankful for the time and that her dad is doing well.
Our neighbors when we were renting in Westlake (first arrived in Cleveland) are having a baby. I dint get a picture of them :( but here are some from the baby shower! Leighton got a little bored at some point...
 School mornings ... sometimes its hard to wake up :)

And at night they cuddle their special things.... Sadie and her bunny. 
Leighton and her blanket 
And Levi doesnt have a certain item but just prefers us to lay with him :) 

 But when we aren't at work, school or sleeping... you might find Levi and I dancing to our song, "Touching Heaven" by Johnnyswim 


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