"Early Spring" says Phil

"Who's Phil?" is the question I mistakenly asked at our first ever Groundhogs Day party. I was stared down in I -can't- believe- you -would -ask -that kind of way. Evidently Phil is the groundhog who lives in the Punxsutawney, PA' library. He comes out every Feb 2nd to predict whether spring will come early or winter will last long.

"I say ground, you say hog" t-shirts
I decided it was a mid-west thing to really celebrate groundhogs day since it is always up in the air whether they will get spring or snow into April. Whereas growing up in KY or living in AL or WA you were pretty certain you were getting actual spring -like weather by March.

Our friends Aimee and Nate hosted a brunch for several families from church to celebrate grounds hog day complete with t-shirts, groundhog cookies, tattoos and a delayed screening of Phil's prediction.

Phil said early spring this year! And on Feb 3rd and 4th we felt it! After being -8 the week prior, we were up in the 60s this week! Will it last?


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