Westside Christian Academy

The girls are also enjoying their school. They both love going on field trips (Sadie class is below at a pumpkin patch and theatre). They seem to be learning which is good right? It is hard to believe that Leighton is learning sentence structure in grammar, multiplication now and she loves history and science! Sadie is enjoying latin, art, music and her handwriting has greatly improved! 
 Wes is enjoying working at WCA too. They held a capitol campaign event (below) which is a huge part of Wes' job for development.
 I love how I caught Leighton putting her hand on Sadie's back guiding her through the halls at school :)
 A highlight for me and hopefully was Sadie was I came to her class for career day. I of course made a PowerPoint even though they can't read because that is me. But it help guide our time and had pictures and a little game for them! Sadie tried to prep me with likely questions and told me to bring my tools I use. So I brought a calculator... very exciting I know. I only had one student ask if I was a "farmer". I get it, pharmacist starts off with that sound. But it was a very fun and humbling experience to present to kindergarteners!
 Peeked in on Wes' desk while I was there!


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