New School, New Student, and New Job

Well it is back to school time and instead of one little Leighton heading off to Seattle Classical Christian, we will have two little ones and one big one heading to Westside Christian Academy. Leighton will transition to a new school for 2nd grade. She is excited for school to start as an opportunity to make friends. Sadie will begin her grade school years as she starts kindergarten. She is so excited and nervously giddy. She has tried on her uniform for about a 2 weeks leading up to the first day, planning everything too. And Wes will be joining the girls at WCA as the Director of Resource Development for the school. This job was such an unexpected grace. The Lord has surprised us and continued to provide during our transition to Cleveland. During our interview at WCA for the girls in June, a few board members mentioned that they had a P.E. teacher opening for K-12th grade. Wes decided to inquire as he loved doing sports camps, youth ministry, and working at the school would be the ideal hours for us. After several meetings with the head master and learning more about Wes, the Headmaster, Mr Whiteman, asked Wes to consider the Director of Resource Development  position. Wes and I prayed about it and he decided to walk toward the job. He found out he got it and he gets to be on the girl's school schedule too! School hours M-F and off when school is off except in the summer, he gets 3 weeks. The job was also an encouragement to him since he has been out of the work force since leaving Hallows when Levi was born. It is also an encouragement to me, as I didn't want to "just move to Cleveland for my job." Pray for the transition for Wes and wisdom on how to proceed in this position as it is a new position for the school too.
At Open House night, Sadie met WCA's mascot the  eagle. 
 And Levi just let 8th grade girls carry him around all night at the Open House. He loves the attention.

 Sadie loving everything about starting kindergarten!
 And Leighton is the old pro going into 2nd grade! 

So what happens to Levi? Well that is the non-exciting part... he will begin all-day preschool/daycare in Sept. They didnt have an opening at the preschool we wanted until after Labor Day. Mom graciously is flying up for two weeks to be Levi's nanny until he can start. The preschool we got him into is very close to WCA so Wes will be doing most of drop off and pick up as I probably couldn't get to him until later since I am driving from east of downtown. Levi is actually saving us money since he is potty trained at this day care. But at the same time we have had to wean him off pacifier as the preschool doesn't allow it. He has been pacifier free for 72 hours! He was previously addicted to the passy but praying that each night going to bed gets easier and easier for him.
Levi growing up fast at almost 2 and 1/2 months he is starting toddler school, potty trained, and pacifier free! Big changes in Ohio for this guy :) 


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