Goodbye Tour / Explore Oregon: Cannon Beach

At the end of the kids' Spring Break last week we drove south on I-5 about 4 hours to Cannon Beach, OR.  Mom was in town so she happily tagged along! We had a rainy trip but enjoyed seeing the pretty oregon coast. The kids mainly enjoyed watching "Free Willy" (parts of it filmed where we drove through/stayed) and the resort swimming pool! I enjoyed the free ice cream I got at the Tillmook visitor center. Tillmook is a cheese, yogurt, ice cream brand we discovered in Seattle and is popular on the West Coast so we enjoyed visiting their facilities in Tillamook, OR. A mud/rock slide on the way back to Cannon Beach caused a detour and a little library visit to a small Oregon town. All in all it worked out! We ate well and had too many sweets to count :) 
logging companies all along our drive 
Pacific Northwest Beaches in the spring require jackets! 
I forgot my camera so my iPhone had to do ... but Sadie didn't! 
 The kids had us here two days because of the rain! Leighton has gotten very comfortable in the water. Finally swimming underwater! 
Tillamook, OR 

The rockslide required a geologist to be called in so we couldn't wait and had to detour.
 Plenty of candy stores

 Surfsand Resort is highly recommended! It is located on Cannon Beach, there is an indoor pool for the kids, free popcorn and movies daily, 3pm warm cookies, beach fires at night, and personalized notes/books waiting in the room for kids! 

 Carousel in Seaside, OR on drive home. 

In case we never make it back to Oregon... you were nice :) 


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