It's My Pleasure to be Their Mom

Wes said to me this afternoon... "how'd I do?" (referring to how my mother's day had gone). I think Mother's Day is more about his performance than mine in some ways. Will the husband/dad do what he can to make the wife/mom feel special by her 3 small kids? Isn't this every dad out there? I replied "great but you shouldn't have to ask that."

brunch at Makrina's 
Wes shouldn't have to ask that or perform because I shouldn't have expectations. My kids, though its sweet, shouldn't have to say "you're the best mom". Am I? Who knows? What that even means anyway..... who are they comparing me to? I don't keep a clean house or do laundry most days. Sometimes they eat unhealthy food and right now I don't feel like signing up for another activity/class/camp. 

Why are we out there comparing anyways? Being thankful for our moms and celebrating motherhood is fantastic. I know I want to make my mom and mother-n-law feel special and I want them to know they are appreciated/loved. That is what Wes and my kids want to do too. But I like I told Wes "you guys do that everyday." Wes got up early with Levi this morning because he does every morning at 6am and lets me sleep/head to work. Or he cooked lunch because he cooks lunch a lot of the days. I did get a new pair of shoes and flowers so that was a treat :) Wes let me go to Cafe Ladro to prep for bible study tomorrow.... to have quiet time studying God's Word... but he makes that happen most days. (ps. shout out to Ladro for the free latte for mother's day!) 

(yesterday library trip and milkshake stop)

 The girls wrapped up many things from the house and gifted them to me. They made me a snack and served me water. But they are thoughtful most days as gift giving is their love language. See its every day I am the fortunate one. I am thankful for Wes and the kids because I get the pleasure to serve as mom along side Wes in this whole parenting thing. I get to be God's ambassador to three beautiful gifs. 

God is the giver of life. I am just the one He let be the mom to three cuties. Happy mothers day to all the moms and all the women mentoring others. If you have given birth to a baby in heaven or not been able to get pregnant, remember you haven't failed. God is the giver of the life, not us. Mom is just the title to women who point children to the Giver of Life, Jesus. That is a Mom's task. That is what makes "the best moms in the world". So lets spur one another on and encourage each other with this weighty, emotional, sometimes scary job of discipling our children ;) Point them to the Giver of good gifts, the One who is the perfect parent to his children and gives us grace and mercy day after day.
 Sadie's mother day tea at school


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