A little Spring in our Step

I can't believe it has been a year since we visited the cherry blossoms at UW.  Last time I was very pregnant with Levi and Leighton was 4 and Sadie was 2. Now we have a 1 year old little boy and two girls who are getting close to their birthdays.  What a long year but such a sweet reminder of God's beauty in the ashes. New blooms on the trees this spring remind me of the new mercies God offers us.
 We had a picnic on UW's campus before we got to the cherry blossoms and on the way out stopped to explore UW's library.

 Leighton in a wide open space is like a kid in the candy store. She loves running in grass (does this mean its a novelty to her?) And watching her explore the cherry blossom area and library is also exciting. Flowers and libraries are the way to her heart. I found my way to Sadie's heart by giving her a picnic lunch :)

Till next time UW! 


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