This Spring: Eat Your Yard

Our family is beyond ready for some warm sunshine. We are tired of the rain and tired of the chilly temperatures! Yes her frog rain boots are cute but I'd rather be putting her in sandals. Everyone is getting cabin fever around here. Spring, we are ready for you! Over the past month the kids are changing so much… Sadie turned 8 months on the 17th of March and has been pulling up, walking behind wagons/push toys and eating more solids as she almost has her top 2 front teeth in in addition to bottom two. She hasn't taken steps on her own but she may be that 9 month old who walks. She is motivated seeing sister running around. I also thought Leighton was a busy body as a baby but Sadie is even more. She never sits still unless riding in stroller. She explores the house on her own crawling everywhere, pulling up and grabbing everything! A bull in a china cabinet sometimes!
When walking around Fremont one day we snapped some pictures of her.
 Girls are playing together more and more which is fun….Sadie even pushed Leighton down the hall in a wagon!

 So Wes has decided that he and Leighton need a garden. This fits in line with the rest of Seattle. If you have a spot of land with nothing there then grow some fruits and veggies even if it is a 2 x 4 ft spot. I have a black thumb so this is all Wes. I think he had the most fun building a box to put in courtyard for the plants. He and Leighton have been checking daily but nothing has sprouted yet! We are looking forward to eating our yard.
I think he just liked using tools for a day….
Carrots and kale went in first….


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