Who is Sadie?

1 and 1/2 weeks old
Some of my friends from church have been giving me a hard time that Sadie has spent the first month and a half of her life in a Baby Bjorn . Maybe they'll meet her in Oct or Nov when she can be turned around to face forward in the carrier. Seriously, I have needed to be hands-free when I am watching Leighton, plus Sadie sleeps like a champ in the carrier. But the teasing did make me realize that yes, sadly Sadie is only known by a handful of people....mostly just me because when it's just the 4 of us, Wes is usually on L duty. #secondchildproblems

So who is Sadie Eveyln Moore? Sadie is the 8 week old baby who sleeps solid in my arms or the Bjorn. Sadie is the girl who prefers the swing to the bouncy seat. She enjoys being rocked and likes being held in the upright position. She can hold her head up pretty good but still needs support to be safe. Sadie is the girl who has a loud cry that she switches on in a second when she is tired. She is the sweetie who we call "Chunky Monkey." Sadie is not a fan of the carseat, which we hope changes. Sadie loves being talked to and will grunt to be picked up. Sadie may or may not be spoiled :) Sadie is the girl who uses a passy to calm down or to go to sleep. Sadie is the baby who can take an hour to get to sleep at night if she is volatile, but will make you smile when she smiles. Sadie a blue eyed girlie who still has about an inch of dark hair.

Sadie is the girl who God has used each day to teach me that I am insufficient without God's grace. Thankfully He does not require me to be perfect, but even though I know this truth, I still inadvertently put the pressure on myself to have it all together all the time. Maybe it is the culture we now are in that tells me as a working mom I need to excel in my career and still be a loving, supportative wife, who is totally involved in every aspect of my kids life and keeps the house clean and laundry done, while also being fit, healthy and instyle when I step out of the house. I also long to not be totally focused on myself and family but also have my own quiet time each day with God and spend time weekly investing in others (how do i make it happen and not get caught up in a work based mentality?!?!). Not to mention, when a friend asked me to hang out that I still accomplish all the above to be able to say yes (because I suffer from FOMO) so that I can maintain the friendships I cherish instead of reappearing 5 years later in the social scene when my kids have started school. Goodness, I'm overwhelmed just thinking of the pressures that myself and probably other women place on ourselves. Thus you can see why my daily prayer has been for strength and for God to bear my burdens. I have repeatedly thanked Him for already forgiving me for the pride that comes with all the above pressures/standards I place on myself that He definitely did not/does not put on me.

Anyway, Sadie is also the girl who we dedicated to the church Sunday just as Leighton was a year or so ago. Our community promised to invest in her just as they are already doing to big sister. Thankful for a close, open community who has recently seen me in a very raw state (i.e. stopping by prior to church to hold Sadie while I get Leighton fed and us out the door while it looks like a tornado hit the house...thanks Melissa!) I will work on saying yes to you all more often when you volunteer to help us, as allowing myself to be served is much harder than to serve, but I know it is not healthy to do everything alone. Thankful God placed you all from Hallows in our lives....

A Picture of community loving and engaging with Leighton and Delaney, who I can trust will do that for Sadie...

Pictures from Sadie's dedication.....

(unbeknownst to Wes or I the girls were holding hands here... look closely and see that Leighton had grabbed Sadie's) 


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