Canada, EH!

The family made a quick one- night getaway 2 hours north to the land of Bieber, Nash, and Dion... Canada! I had a couple days off from work during the week due to working the weekend so we decided to visit Vancouver, B.C. We had heard that it is very similar to Seattle and I would agree. The weather is about the same, the city is made up of different neighborhoods, snow-topped mountains and the ocean surround the city, and their is a strong Asian influence. 
Leighton in her t-shirt! 
A couple views from a building downtown.... 
 Eating dinner by the water.... Leighton making Wes draw Thomas the Train
 Grabbing a cupcake at Cupcakes 
 Probably the highlight of Leighton's trip was the hotel swimming pool! 
 Doing a little sightseeing on a rainy day....
 View of the city from Stanely Park
 Rainy day means a good day to go to the Vancouver Aquarium 

I didnt realize sea turtles were so big

Beluga Whales were cool  
 And something you dont see everyday.... 
crossing the boarder! 


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