Long Lost January

 Long time no see!  The month of January got away from me (almost) before I had a moment to blog again. As many of you know we are expecting a baby in July and I have also had some medical issues with my thyroid so I have been a little preoccupied compared to the normal routine of Leighton, Wes, Hallows, and work. Wes has been busy with the Hallows. He is enjoying organizing service opportunities and helping with the missional communities. Leighton has been busy singing the entire chorus of Frosty, eating ice cream with Mommy (benefit of pregnancy craving or just that I like it), instructing us to pray for the baby (as well as Frosty), and getting more and more active/vocal everyday. 

 Below is one of the pictures we used to announce the new baby...
Here is a picture of my belly from 15 weeks .... second child picture neglect has already set in as this is the only belly picture I have taken
And this is the $2.99 item that has kept Leighton occupied for the past month, her beloved Frosty
And these are some pictures of Leighton around the house....coloring/stickers....
 on her phone and on mine face - timing....
 putting on Mommy's makeup

 playing hide and seek
 and setting up a tea party (maybe inspired by our new found series, Downton Abby, that Wes and I watch) with her favorites (Cow, Mouse Cookie, Frosty and Baby)
 We have also recently found Leighton in her room with the door shut reading books to Frosty. I guess her privacy desire is already setting in. 
 Lots of mani/pedicures have also occurred this month. Wes below is cutting the nails and then Mommy paints them to match! (Leighton picked out the color. She loves purple)
 Have a good week and I hope to back sooner rather later this time!


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