Its the Holiday Season

Christmas Eve and Day were quiet around the Moore household as the three of us spent it in Seattle alone this year. Our Christmas Eve consisted of cooking Omaha Filets and twice baked potatoes compliments of my Aunt Kathy, watching a little old school Frosty video (L's favorite this season) and Wes and I continuing our Parenthood Marathon (at this point we were on Season 1 and now we are finishing up Season 3). Christmas Day we gave Leighton her few gifts from us... Dollhouse with furniture, Wheelybug, few toddler plates/utensils, couple books, and a dress. For Christmas Dinner we went to one of my co-worker's houses for a nice meal and good company. Pictures of the holidays home in Seattle....
Christmas Eve holding the best $3.99 I have ever spent...Frosty stuffed animal
Loving checking out the tree

Christmas morning

Dressed up for dinner at my friend's house
And a few random pics from around the house.... as you can see putting on Mommy's shoes and Daddy's hat are favorite activities!


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