Gobble Gobble

Happy Thanksgiving! I havent posted in a while.... we have had a couple of busy weeks I suppose. I have a praise to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. I had a freckle removed a week or so ago that I thought looked suspicious. The dermatologist agreed and sent it to be biopsied. It turned out to not be cancerous but did show some abnormal cells so the doctor recommended have more of the area removed. Thanks for all who prayed!
Well we did not travel to KY or TN for Thanksgiving since we are going home shortly for Wes' graduation but we did make it over to Spokane to stay with Katie for a couple of nights. Marc is deployed so it was nice to spend time with her so she could be around family too. Katie cooked us a nice meal and pumpkin cheese cake. We had a fire, relaxed, and did nothing. It was nice. Thanks again Katie!
she just wanted to jump off the little step 

the four of us eating dinner

little pony tail on girlie


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