The Month of Love

 Since February is associated with love due to Valentine's Day.... it will be a good exercise for me to state all the things I loved about this month to turn my heart to gratitude as it so easily wants to go to complaining that it is not spring/summer yet!

1. How Levi is up for and interested in whatever is going on at school, his sports lessons, activities, etc. At school they were having pajama day so I caught him laying out what he would wear and his stuffy to take. 
2. Leighton's new friendships this year especially with Lydia Murtha. When she moved from Seattle she missed Delaney, then after her first year in Cleveland her friend Noelle moved to Africa and then this year her friend Leah is homeschooling so it is sweet how the Lord provided for her. 
3. Fridays home with Levi. He doesn't have pre-K on Fridays and I work from home so we enjoy each others company while I try to work which includes a break to the lake at lunch. 
4. Ability to get a new car. We had outgrown our highlander with the new (huge) dog and as the kids get bigger and we do more rode trips we wanted more space. Thankful but also weird to have a suburban. 
5. Beauty of frozen lakes/water if it is going to be below freezing for several weeks! 
6. Friends who bring eucalyptus over
7. Game nights with new friends such as Beavers and Brown family playing "Taco, Cat, Goat Cheese, Pizza"  Fun for all. 
8. And these new friends from our church who take time to play chess with your kids. 
9. Sadie bonding with Sawyer
10. Aunt Sherry and Uncle Joe sending a backpack for Sawyer. He is a working breed by nature so it helps him feel proud and get tired on walks. 
11. Leighton enjoying her tennis lessons and making friends. 
12. Anytime these two dress alike.

13. When Sawyer throws his paw over Levi. 
14. Westside Christian Academy where the kids go to school. Below is Sadie's class on picture day. Their teachers point them to Christ which is so important to us besides the academics they are learning. 
15. Friends who share their indoor space in the winter for brunch and letting kids play! Breakforth Studio

16. Local plant store and how they offered painting pots time for girls. 
17. That Levi still naps and has long eye lashes
18. Wes and I were able to meeting with Gospel Care Ministry leaders, Robert and Karen Cheong, from Sojourn Church in Louisville and benefit from their ministry over week and weekend at marriage conference. Check them out! So much more to learn and grow in how to abide in Work individually and with Wes and with others. Also how to engage in conversations and questions to get to know and care for people deeper. 


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