Jan 74th

I am pretty sure January had about 74 days this  year. It was a long month. And now we are almost half way through Feb which is going by fast. Valentines day this week and then my parents come for the girls mid-winter break. What have we been up to in these most gray or rainy days (though the sunshine is beaming in as I type this actually... thank you God!)

 Finished up swim lessons
Sadie started Tap/Ballet class
 Neighborhood walks
 Church Kid's Ministry Fun Night with Nerf Guns 
 Black History Month at Leighton's School 
 Bookstore Browsing 
 Dress up 
 Cuddles and family quality time...
 Lots of around the house playing 
 Visiting Mom at work
 Dinner out and convos ... they are getting to an easier age to take out
 Baby shower for our nei
ghbor, Anna Venneman

 Come on Spring, we are ready! 


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