Levi is One!

Can you believe it? One year has gone by since we were induced at Swedish Hospital on 3.30.2016 after my water broke at work. It seemed stressful during the labor when Levi's heart rate dropped and I didn't know how close our doctor actually came to calling an emergency c-section, but so thankful we had a good, uneventful delivery. We all know what happened a month later, but when I reflect back on the time in the hospital when he was born I just remember how fast I fell in love with Levi. I was shocked to have a boy, excited to learn new things about being a boy mom, and thought he was the most handsome thing in the world. Sometimes when I see newborn pictures of Levi, I can feel like I didn't know him then, like he was hiding a secret about the brain bleed that was coming. But I try to remember the joy-filled newness of a newborn I enjoyed so much.

 He loves books (especially with flaps or doors) and pushing his cars, tractor, and animals around on the floor. And he is pretty darn good at throwing  a ball like in the picture above! 
 Swings for the win! 
 He loves being outside and wants to climb the courtyard tree so bad after watching his sisters.
 So before he read the sign he was happy... then he got kicked out of the tent....

We celebrated his birthday with family in February when we were in KY/TN with a Little Blue Truck Party.  So today we had a quiet morning before work and school with pickup Top Pot Donuts. In the afternoon the girls threw Levi a surprise party with balloons. Today was no different than any other day because we literally enjoy him so much everyday it seems like its always his birthday :)
Levi's neighbor friend, Ila, brought him a gift over today
Over the past month Levi has just become more and more fun as we see his personality develop. He roars when he sees pictures of lions or holds his toy bear. He grunts at anyone to get their attention and many strangers have called him very social. He is walking farther distances, loves to be outside, enjoys stroller rides, and sleeps comfortably in his crib at night. He is up for eating anything, goes with the flow, and has the most kissable cheeks. All four of us love him so much!

Loves the zoomazium and all the climbing, tunnels and petting snakes so much!
School days with Christy and the gang at Birth -to- Three

Mommy's pharmacists friends babies born in 2016 too! 
We cheered for UK hard and it was an emotional lost in the Elite Eight. 
Sweet sleepy (baby and Mommy and Daddy) and cuddly boy
evidently here Levi and I fell asleep while Sadie enjoyed PBS kids (captured by Wes)

Oh I could watch Levi sleep forever! 


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