Facing Fears: Ferris Wheel Style

So our friends you hear a lot about, the Molls, have a daughter turning two this month. They wanted our family to meet them downtown at Seattle's Great Wheel to do something fun for Vivienne's birthday. The ferris wheel sits on a pier downtown and overlooks downtown and the Puget Sound.  They say the view is great but I wouldn't know :) If it was just the my girls wanting to go I probably would have told Wes to take them up and Ill wait on solid ground. But since our friends bought us all tickets and they were all going to have fun together, I didn't want to miss out or not participate. This was a big fear facing exercise for me….only for a little girl's 2 year old birthday! I mean c'mon, it was combining small spaces with no way out and heights! Talk about feeling trapped. I prayed and had Wes praying. I wanted to enjoy this. The Lord provided a victory. I did get anxious when the wheel stopped at the top to let people off at the bottom. It seemed like an eternity but it was probably 5 min. Despite a small glimpse into panic at that moment, I am going to consider riding the thing a success.
 A rainy day but the girls enjoyed looking down on the little cars and ferries below. I didn't find it amusing when the girls started chanting "we're going to fall in the water"… not cool kids.
 We then joined their family for pizza and cake at their house. I think the Moll's have figured out how to celebrate birthdays… keep it chill and small as it seems a lot less stressful and the grown ups can actually hang out.
Happy Birthday Vivienne! 
 Group picture minus the little bean in my belly! They were all rejoicing with me for getting up in the ferris wheel :)


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