Four Christmases

Papa helping with new puzzle
So as you probably know, we went to KY and TN last week.... Wes graduated, we ate some good food, and we also got to spend time with family and friends! In 9 days we spent the night in 4 different cities at different homes.... Michael's (Louisville), Mom and Dad's (Hopkinsville), Mema's (Union City) and Candy and Kevin's (Clarksville)! We enjoyed seeing everyone and especially enjoyed watching them enjoy Leighton. I believe everyone (especially the men) were having more fun with her as she is talking, dancing, singing, and playing games/being silly more. We call her our little parrot as she repeats everything we say or point out to her. She is a chatting little girl! Pictures from the week...
opening gifts 

Visiting her new friend Norah Kate (they are 1 year apart) 
more gifts from Uncle Michael

Trip to Louisville Zoo 

note: hand in pocket.... it was cold

katie and L eating her fav... pizza! 

reading at Grami's house

loving on Papa

At Mema's house with the Potts and Grandmother 

Girlie lead a dance party to Mema's organ rendition of Frosty

Dont know what was going on here....

Loving the reindeer head piece and her Snowman cookie
and she even has power to get Big Daddy's toes purple
Laney Dove's 3rd birthday....eating cupcakes with cousins


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